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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Midland, MI

location-map Midland , MI | (989) 270 0389

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To me, spirit is about what is inside you regardless of your circumstances. My goal for providing therapy is teaching people how to function within how their lives actually are; good or bad, struggle or peace, history of trauma or not. Faith is a crucial part of it. In Acts 27 Paul is on a boat being tossed by a terrible storm. He tells the crew we should not have sailed BUT NOW we can manage the storm. In the Buddhist Eight Fold path Right Judgment is make choices based on how things truly are and not driven by emotion. The storm teaches us things and makes us stronger. View 4 Photos EMDR is available for both adults and children to help process memories that cause strong emotions. TF-CBT is available for children to help them express their emotions and tell their story in a safe environment (not to mention that there is lots of play!). Family therapy helps families learn the purpose in behavior and how to manage the storm of stress. If you are a fan of Doctor Who you may remember the 11th doctor say "900 years of time and space and I never met anyone who wasn't important." Everyone's life experience is important and I want people feel that their life experience matters. Don't assume that "what happened to me wasn't that big of a deal." It may be more important that you think.